Yea....I finally finished it.
I love designing quilts and making them, but then I try to write the pattern and instructions and I hit a brick wall. Its so much harder to put in words and pictures how to make a quilt than it is to just make it.
But I finished the pattern for my Welcome Wall Hanging and thought I would share my bliss of having it done with my blog followers. I plan to give away two of the patterns, so if you would like one, just leave me a comment. I will draw two names, a week from today.
Someone requested to see my Dear Jane Signature Block swap quilt, so here it is. Kind of hard to get a good picture with it lying on the floor, but hopefully you get the idea.
The label on the back of the quilt lists the countries and States of origin of the blocks.
There are 13 countries (including USA) represented and 41 States.
I just love looking at the blocks and when it is hanging in my office it sure draws the attention.
I wonder if I have blocks from any of you???? If you participated in a DJ Siggy swap, please let me know, I want to search my quilt to see if your name is one there!
And just a note of progress I am making on my handwork. The three main quilts I am working on are all involving handwork so the progress is slow, but very enjoyable and that is what counts.
I have 75 hexies made and sewn together, need 165 for the body of this quilt. I am toying with the idea of a picket fence border with tiny hexagon flowers. Have to play around with that though a little longer.
I have 2 of my flower block appliqued on the
Cottage Grove quilt, and have completed the quilting on 28 of the 65 stars on my
Circus Stars Quilt. Its nice to see them progressing, but I will not bore you with pictures each time. The retreat that I was to go to in January was postponed because of the snow, which was a major disappointment for me. But hey....its coming up this month - next week!!! I can hardly wait and hopefully you will see a lot more progress on these three projects after retreat. This year I am only taking handwork, which will be nice not to have to load up half my sewing room .
Thanks for stopping by and keep stitching, and be sure to leave a coment if you want a chance to win a pattern.