All the pieces are cut - but will they fit together ? The quilt club that I belong to, Stitchin' Friends (yep, same name as my blog - can you tell I like it?) is working on a double wedding ring table runner. At our meeting this month, we made the arcs and at the March meeting, we are to complete the arcs and cut out the centers and melon pieces. I can't be at the March meeting because of the Quilters of SC Spring meeting, so I have already cut mine out. I am so excited about this project, which will be a table runner. I selected my fabrics to match my dishes and I think it is going to look so cool.

Here is the picture of the pieces in the correct layout. So far so good - but then I have not tried to sew them together yet. Just seeing them at this point though makes me want to crank up the sewing maching and get 'er done.
I debated on the background fabric, but found this particular fabric at the Springs Creative sale this past week at $2/yard - so I took a chance that it would work and I really think it is perfect.

Now the next two pictures are for the members in my club, but of course I will share with you too - although they may not mean much. In cutting out the melons and centers I folded the template in half, marked the center line and then transferred the center line to the back side of the fabric. I am hoping that this will make the piecing go a little more accurate and easier. Not sure you can see the lines on the fabric, but they are there. I started to make them darker but was afraid they would show through on my fabric. Hopefully you get the idea. try clicking on the picture to enlarge it and maybe you can see the lines better.
Happy stitching,
I have a round table and was just looking at this for a possible table cover. I'm trying to think how I can draft an enlarged version.
Trying out a complicated pattern in a table runner is a great idea! And how fun to do it as a group. It is going to be so pretty when done! Cheers! Evelyn
I didn't know Springs had a sale this past weekend! Pooey .....
Lovely colors!
It looks like it's going to be really cool Teresa. I love the Double Wedding Ring pattern!
I love the double wedding ring and I especially like your fabric choices.
I think your idea of marking the center lines is a great one.
Can't wait to see it done.
I love it!! Very pretty. :)
And I love you!
Wedding rings has always been one of my favorite quilt patterns, but I've always been to chicken to try it, so I like the idea of making a table runner size.
I think the colours you are using look great and look forward to seeing it finished.
I really admire anyone that tackles a double wedding ring. I try to avoid any quilt with a curve piece in it.
A Double Wedding Ring quilt is on my bucket list. I like yours so far. Glad you had a good time at retreat. It is so much fun just being with sister quilters. It seems like you were busy even though you did not finish a project.
Mmmmm, beautiful!!!! You got it friend. You really do!
Hello Teresa, thankyou for the tip....I have my fabrics to make a Double Wedding Ring quilt for later in the year...did you handpiece or machinepiece...Hugs Lyn
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