Do you have a Tuesday Morning store in your town? We do, and it is one of my all time favorite places to visit. I always have to check out their sewing and craft supplies and today I found some really good buys. They often have Fons and Porter products. I have a F&P Scissor set and Rotary Cutter that I got there and they are really great to use.

The first is a set of EZ rule templates. These sold for $3.99 for the set of three. I looked everywhere for that Pyramid Ruler when I was wanting to start a Thousand Pyramids quilt and believe me, I paid a lot more than $3.99 for that one ruler when I found one.

My next find was EZ Rulers. Now I have a weakness for rulers and scissors and cutters. The small ruler was only $.99 and the larger one a whopping $1.50! The way I slice into my rulers when I am cutting out fabric, I can always use new ones.

And finally - like I said, I have a weakness for scissors and such..a set of Mundial Scissors for $9.99. Now the package says it is a special offer for $19.99 but I know I bought just one pair of these scissors years ago at a Piece Goods store and paid around $15 for the one pair on sale.
So, if you have a Tuesday Morning in your town, be sure to check out the craft area - you just never know what you might find.
And don't forget to sign up for my appreciation gift giveaway in the post before this one!
Happy Stitchin!
I am a scissors/rulers/gadget fan myself. I just bought a pair of Gingher scissors at a quilt show. They are 5" knife edge scissors. This size is my favorite of all my scissors. I have larger ones, also, but I keep these smaller ones on my sewing table all the time. I have a couple other pair in my sewing kits that I take to classes, too.
I didn't know our Tuesday Morning had a sewing section!
I need to check Tuesday Morning out!! Like Cathi, I didn't know they had a sewing section!
Well, I am joining the crowd! I didn't know the Tuesday Morning store had a crafts section either. I have only been in that store one time I think and that has been a while ago. Thanks for the tip Teresa!
I have bought Fons and Porter things at our Tuesday Morning........and I haven't been there for a while, got to GO! LOL
I found some lovely imported alpaca yarn from South America at my TuesMorning store. Bought it all.
Hello Teresa, I wish we had Tuesday Morning finds here in your finds what a bargain...hugs lyn
I love Tuesday morning - but whenever I go, can never find all the great crafty things you do! You must buy them out before I get there! :)
We don't have Tuesday Morning stores in NH-BooHoo! Otherwise I'd be there all the time looking for great finds like these.
oh hit the jackpot...rulers can be pretty pricey.....hhhmmmm...I think there's a Tuesday about 70 miles from me.......
They look like great finds. I wish I could buy rulers that cheap here.
We have a Tuesday Morning and I never think to go in there. Thanks for the tip - I'll check it out. blessings, marlene
I have to admit, I am a scissors/shears freak, too.
and wow! what deals!
We don't have a Tuesday's but there is one about and hour and a half away, might be a shopping trip on my calander soon?
thanks for the tips
I had NO idea! Tuesday Morning is in a section of town that I never seem to visit. I think I'll change that!
I love to go and browse all the implements, fun!
I have a Tuesday Mornings store about 30 miles from here. I have never been inside, but you can bet I will next time I am up that way! Thanks for the tip! :~)
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