My kitchen is still a work in process, but I wanted to show you the nifty things my wonderful

hubby installed for me. We

purchased the cabinet organizers for the lower cabinets and they are wonderful back and knee savers. Back because now I don't have to bend way over and twist to see the back of the cabinet or knee because I don't have to get down on my knees to actually get something out of the back of the cabinet. I also have a place for my trash and recycle stuff that I can close up. (I guess I should have emptied the trash before I took this picture, but hey I am all about reality shows!)

The counter tops are still not redone, which is why you do not see the tops of my counters - this reality show just goes so far! I am working on the Be Patient block in my Golden Rules of Attitudes quilt and as I said before - this quilt is talking to me. You think, maybe, when I finish this block the counter top man will have my new counter tops ready to install????

I think I will get on the new phone my dear hubby installed this weekend and give him a call, and just remind him that these were supposed to be in over a month ago!
Happy Stitching everyone!
Your organizers look great - hope your countertops are installed soon. We're getting new countertops too!
I love the Be Patient block!
Great storage ideas - I'm just glad we only did a new carpet installation instead of a whole remodeling - I would be a Camp Crazy Woman by now if we had.
Very cool! I'd sure love that one for the pot lids -- mine just fall all over. Love the new phone!
I so love your phone!!!!
Oh, I would love to have those organizers in my kitchen. I cannot convince my dear husband that they would be good.
love those organizers. we are starting a kitchen reno in two weeks and can't wait
Exciting things for you and thanks for sharing the cool organizing here. This really makes a girl get a bad case of the wants/needs!
You totally cracked me up with the whole "should have taken out the trash first" comment. That's something I would do. You're fun!
Living Life at LeeHaven
Ooooh, I love those cabinet organizers. I was just thinking this morning that I need some way to organize my pot lids. They are just all over the place! I think I will look into those. Thanks!
Fabulous storage ideas! I'm sure there are things in the back of one cupboard that I haven't seen in a very long time!
Your phone is great!
Seems like everyone is updating their kitchens. We are having to replace dying appliances. We bought a new dishwasher last month. Tomorrow we have to purchase a new microwave oven to replace the one that died during the week. Love your telephone! How retro!
We redid our kitchen about 6 years ago; it took much of the summer! But we love it. We didn't do the nifty storage that you did, though.
n, np
I know you will love your new countertops! Your phone is wonderful, very retro, just love it. I am so glad you are making the bee-attitudes quilt too! It will be fun to watch yours grow as I make mine.
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