Saturday, March 21, 2020

HQ - Day 9 - Rose Star

Day 9 of Home Quarantine, seems more like Day 90 - but I am thankful for my many blessings and pray for the safety of my family, friends, the nation and basically the world.  Please God, send us a solution.  So many people suffering, out of work and living in fear.

Today, I am just not in the "mood" for a chore.  Trying to keep my mind off what is going on - not watching a lot of news.  Quilted some this morning on the Pemberley and then worked on another Diamond for the lone star.  This afternoon watching movies and working on the Rose Star blocks that will also be used on the Lone Star.  These are EPP'ed and always seem to calm me down.


Karen said...

Your block is done with pretty fabrics and looks very good.
Know what you mean about it seeming like Day 90. I stay home a lot anyhow but now I can think of all sorts of things I could be doing if there was freedom to get out and about. Most of the time, I would be thinking of reasons to stay home.

O'Quilts said...

Lovely block..great work..xo