This morning I began my Seasonal Temperature Quilt here after known at STQ. I decided to do mine based on the seasons rather than months. Its going to be rail fence quilt, with each block having 4 strips - two seasonal strips, one low temp strip and one high temp strip. Here is my first block along with the Winter banner block. The orange is the high (50 degrees) and the dark grey is the low (32 degrees) for yesterday, Dec. 21
I drew this out in EQ just to get an idea of how it might look and to also determine what size the banner block should be in order to get a good size quilt. I am making 4" rail fence block and the finished quilt size will be 70" x 90".

Merry Christmas to you all.
What a cute picture of all the grandkids! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
I started a temperature quilt last year with kite blocks. I miserably failed. Hopefully I have enough for a little crib quilt. LOVE the look of your rail fence version on EQ. Good luck!
I love the pictures of your grandchildren. What a treasure.
Your Temperature Quilt looks fascinating. I look forward to seeing the progress as you stitch. Love the photo of all the grandkids with Santa. A happy memory to be seen there.
I like your trial run of the temperature quilt. Ours this year would have been mostly wet and cold.
Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas, Teresa! I so envy you, getting to spend some Christmas-celebrating time with your grandchildren. Looks like a fun get-together. And I love what you're planning for your temperature quilt! What a thoughtful way to approach it. I will look forward to seeing how it comes together. I'm happy to say I'm coming down the home stretch with mine, and will be quite satisfied to not have that obligation in 2020. Hope your day has been blessed!
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