Oak Isand as seen from my porch.

My porch for the weekend, anyway. We are here for the Labor Day weekend and this is just what the doctor ordered for me. I am already stress free and relaxed and having a wonderful time.
Here is where I spent much of yesterday afternoon...cat napping and reading, while the hubby, Ellen and Izzy took real naps inside.

This is Izzy's first road trip with the family and she was a real trooper on the way down, although the traveling did get a little wearisome on the way.

We did a little antique shopping, including a stop at one of our favorite spots in Supply, NC. Its a shop in an old church and they are jammed packed full of the neatest items. I wish we had brought the truck and they had some ladder back chairs I would have loved to buy. All we could squeeze (and I do mean squeeze) into the van was a chest that Ellen bought to keep her tatting, knitting and sewing supplies in. (Remember the days when all the sewing supplies you owned would fit in a chest this size?)
I have done a little sewing, but mostly reading and looking at the waves. So I will leave you with a final picture from my porch. This was taken early this morning and if you look real close in the distance you can see two lighthouses.
Hope you are having a wonderful Labor Day,
Oak Island looks like the perfect spot for a holiday weekend. Napping and reading sounds good too! Enjoy!
What a wonderful place to de-stress. I love the beach. THe chest is lovely. Such a pretty color and design on top. Enjoy!
This looks beautiful, Teresa. What a special place to be. And I'm very glad "Earl" didn't join you. Your sunset photo is awfully pretty too. Soak it in! We've had rain here in Iowa.
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