Sunday, August 2, 2009


Now this post has nothing to do about quilting, unless you are looking to nature for inspiration. I often go to my mom's house (she lives right behind my house) on Saturday and Sunday mornings to share a cup of coffee and chat, and today I walked up to her paper box to get the Sunday paper, and WOW - there were RED mushrooms and ORANGE mushrooms all around that area. It had rained a lot last night and was still drizzling this morning, and these must have popped out this morning. So after coffee, I hurried home, woke my daughter (she loves me so much) and we both grabbed our cameras and went on a mushroom hunt in the drizzling rain and her in pj's (now's there's a picture I can't show you). Here are some of the pictures I took of the variety we have in our yard.
Isn't nature amazing!


Thimbleanna said...

Wow -- what pretty mushrooms. I've never seen really red ones like that -- thanks for posting pics!

Browndirtcottage said...

OH ME....OH MY....I don't think I have ever seen mushrooms in this color....I didn't know they could be such colors....w-a-y interesting!!!

Angela said...

Are those "magic mushrooms"? You know what I mean, those "Lucy in the sky" ones. LOL Just dont be drying and smokin' them now! LOLOL

Anonymous said...

Hello Teresa, I hope you and DH are recovering....loved the photos of the Mushies....Warm Regards Lyn

Purple Pam said...

Are any of these mushrooms edible? It is interesting how many different varieties you have. If you print those pictures on fabric, you could make a mushroom quilt. What do you think? Maybe a pix of the pajama girl for the label on the back?

Ellen J said...

I do love you very much, Mom! And thanks for not sharing the pj's picture. :)

em's scrapbag said...

Now that is cool. I've never seen colorful mushrooms

Candace said...

Loved the pictures, especially as I have had some unusual mushrooms from out of nowhere in a pot on my screened in porch. They sure come in many varieties, and some are quite beautiful.