I finished the three french braid rows. The points have to be trimmed off and I need to find some fabric for the ending triangles, but I think they look pretty neat just hanging on my design wall, or maybe I should say half wall.
My stove arrived this morning, and I have already prepared my first pot of chili and baked brownies. So much more fun cooking when you have a pretty new stove!
Goodnight all - time for me to hit the pillows.
Wow, love em. They remind me of those sticky chewey sweets we used to get as kids, fruit salad bars or something. YUMMY!
What a great design..........
I will have to check out that book.
As to the stove. I am still delighted with my new stove, well it is a year old now but cooking is so much easier with a good stove.
Hi Teresa. Thanks for coming over and visiting on my blog. I enjoy yours too! You do take great pictures! I love your French Braid quilt. I really like how you used a focus fabric for the center blocks. I have this book, and want to do one of these quilts using my collection of batik fabrics. Yours is gorgeous! New Stove? did you blog about your new stove? I can't find that entry. Sounds like you are enjoying using it. I love to cook! But, still using my 25 yr. old GE range. I look at new stoves on occasion, but haven't found a new one I really like ---yet. I love reading your blog.
Hi Teresa,
You popped onto my blog and wished me well after having the flu. I wanted to say thanks and also hope you are feeling better yourself now.
Your French Braids are beautiful and very inspiring.
quilty hugs to you
Robyn xx
Your french braid is wonderful!! the colors are great..
Your French Braid quilt is beautiful! I'm sorry that you are sick...take care and get well soon. Congrats to your daughter on her graduation!
I love the colors in your quilt!
Love this quilt! It will be stunning when all quilted up.
Wow - those are gorgeous! The centre square in them is fabulous!
Gorgeous. Very striking.
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