Sunday, February 2, 2025

Progress on Meryton, Bloom & Sew and a few others

 APIP Report

Meryton - Finished the second block of Block 1 for border.  Have the third one prepped and basted in place:

Bloom & Sew - Gail Pan 2025 BOM - Completed Block 1

Sewing Machine Mat - Completed at Retreat 

Spellbound block - Got three sections completed at retreat.  Hope to get them together tomorrow and have it quilted and bound by next week:

That's all I worked on this past week.

1 comment:

FlourishingPalms said...

It's great to see you continue to keep busy with your dozens (seemingly) of projects! Always lots of intricate appliqué and hand-stitching. I always think it's a good idea for us creators to set mini-goals - "I'll get this top pieced by Saturday." - because they keep us focused. Keep up the great work!