Sunday, August 25, 2024

Meryton - A beginnng

 I have started another Katrina Hadjimichael quilt in the Jane Austin Series called Meryton.  Meryton is a fictitious town in the novel Pride and Prejudice.  This is the internet picture of Katrina's quilt.

I have started working on the center star and am thoroughly enjoying the English Paper Piecing.  Here is my work so far.  My main fabric selection is called Songbird Serenade by Moda.  I have purchased miscellaneous other fabrics that blend. 

I devised a worksheet of how I will assemble this block, which is  differently than the way Katrina instructs in her pattern. The results are the same, but I  like sewing on my hexies one at a time and removing papers as I go.  Once the hexie has other hexies attached on all sides, I remove the paper.  This way I can keep re-using my papers and do not have to cut out paper for all the hexies at one time.

My worksheet identifies what fabric will be used in the block and also shows "rounds" of each hexies,  similar to how you assemble a Grandmother's Flower Garden block.

Looking at Katrina's picture, you see the center hexagon containing the star in surrounded by a background fabric with appliques and then a petal frame.  I intend to make that entire center square with hexies and do the applique on top of the hexies.  This will take a bunch of hexies, but I think it will look perfect.  

I am also working on one of her quilts called Delaford.  I have nearly completed hand quilting this quilt and hope to have it done by the end of September.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Once upon a Christmas Time

 Finished the quilt top for the Gail Pam BOM - Once Upon a Christmas Time today.  Completed Block 6 of 6 yesterday and so glad to get it done today.  I had planned to machine quilt it with a simple cross hatch (as that is about all I do with machine quilting) but decided after finally getting the top done, to just get some with a long arm machine quilt it for me.  

The pattern calls for it to be done in all red and white/cream, both piecing and embroidery.  I elected to use multi colors.  The pattern also called for a border comprised of HST but I decided to go simple with this plaid fabric that I found and really liked.

This is block 6 of 6

Completed quilt top