I do enjoy hand quilting and find it so relaxing Not sure how I will quilt that wavy border, but I have three of these corners to complete before I get there. I would like to do a little something in the grey/green border on this block but having trouble deciding what to do there as well. Its only an inch wide. During the months Nov - Dec, I quilted 61 hours, 38 minutes.

A woman ran a red light and slammed into me. She claims it was yellow, I know I saw red and I have an witness who gave a statement to the police that it was red. Either way, my car was totaled. I am pretty bruised up, but no serious injuries. That is something to be thankful for. My car seat came unbolted to the frame and I was slung into the windshield and side window, even though the air bag blew up. Also my knee was pushed into the dashboard, but like I said, no bone breaks or concussions. Was at the hospital for about 8 hours while they ran tests, scans, xrays, etc. There were three cars involved and everyone did not have any serious injuries, so very thanful for that. I would like to start walking again, but going to have to wait until the swelling goes down on my knee and my chest. A seat belt caused some bruising, plus I believe I also got slung into the steering wheel and I am bruised all down one side.
so sorry to hear about the car wreck... I hope your insurance will take the police report into consideration so your rates don't increase... once healed maybe you will be able to get a new or newer car then too! How scary for your car seat to come undone... I guess you were hit really hard! I am such a different and careful driver anymore. It is sad when others aren't and things like this happen... enjoy your slow stitching and play around with a photo of your quilt deciding what to do in those unsure areas... I love doing that. I put my printer on economy color printing 300 dpi and it prints fast with less ink usage for this kind of project too. Good luck to you and enjoy your watch too!
So sorry about your wreck. Sending big hugs for a safe recovery and then more hand quilting.
Your quilts are gorgeous. I saw a couple years ago that you were doing a pep jacks chain. I am trying to plan one and see if there are any paper templates already available. Would love to see your completed quilt also.
So glad that your accident wasn't more serious. I've been in a car accident when the air bags deployed, and it's not fun. Hopefully you will be back to walking and doing more quilting very soon. Take care.
Quite an accident to have been involved in and so fortunate you were not more seriously injured.
I like what I see of your quilt in the hoop. You do nice applique.
Oh man, I am so glad that there are no broken bones, but I am so very sorry that you were injured. Sometimes the airbag itself can cause the bruising, especially that your seat came unbolted. Take care.
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