My day started early around 5:00 and with machine quilting on Toby's birthday quilt for February. This is a Galaxy Star quilt and will be partly machine quilted with my auto feed foot, and partly with free motion quilting. This is going to take me awhile to complete, but is still so much faster than hand quilting.

My whole family gathered at my house today for our traditional family dinner of pork roast, sauerkraut, lima beans, black-eyed peas, mashed potatoes and various desserts. So today I cooked for my family. I just had to make the port roasts and get the sauerkraut - everybody brought the remainder of the food items. It was such a fun day, and my heart was full as was my house too. There was a total of 23 of us and I had table set up on the living room, kitchen and dining room.

It is soooooooo cold today, I had the gas logs going in the living room and so enjoy stitching and watching the fire.
The remainder of the pictures are family groupings.
Time with family and quilts. Is there any better way to begin a new year? I loved peeking at the quilts about your home. They are lovely.
It looks like you had a fun and wonderful New Year's Day. And it looks like there will be lots of quilting in your 2018 LOL. I wish you'd told me about that little superstition before haha -- other than making our traditional New Year's dinner, I think I slept a lot -- I definitely don't want to spend a lot of time sleeping this year!
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