Can some one explain this to me? I designed the quilt in EQ6, which seemed to take forever as I kept changing the border layout. Once done, I was pleased - but then after putting some blocks together, I even changed this layout that I had labored so long on.

I was thrilled to find the perfect fabric and set about cutting it into tiny triangles - all 2,248 of them plus a extra "just in case".

Each quare was meticulously trimmed to make sure it was the proper shape and seam lines drawn (this step was after I made a few stars and realized my cutting was not quite as precise as it should be and that I do not sew a true 1/4 inch seam.) Then organized into trays so that I could keep the colors straight.

I cut small 1/2 inch squares of each color and made a color layout that I constantly refer to to make sure

I am getting all the pieces in the right order, laying them out on my flannel board before I start sewing them together.

I check off those I have completed so I don't lose my place.

The evolving quit top resides on my design wall so that I can also check the block against the ones that will be above it - once again, just checking to make sure I am getting all the points in the right place. Each completed row is added to the design wall and checked before sewing it to the top.
So would someone please tell me how this happened?????
Its the fifth block from the left in the picture above. I put the completed row up before sewing it on and
&*^%$@)(*^&^ there it was in all its glory. The teal star is right, it's that blue point that is wrong. Now do you have any idea how hard this is going to be to remove and sew the correct color in? I thought maybe I would just leave it there for my "humility" block, but this quilt has quite a bit of humility already.
So today will be a rip roaring day as I rip out the wrong point and my mind roars at me for being so careless. I plan on working on this quilt at retreat in October. I wonder if that is a good idea. All that fun and chatter - who knows, I will be lucky to have any of the star points in the right spaces!
Happy Sunday!