Here is my most recent block on the Golden Rules of Attitudes blocks (Be Attitudes Pattern). Its all done with the exception of flower buttons on the seed packs and on the side. I have been looking for some buttons that I like - but the ones I like are so darn expensive. $4.90 for 3 little plastic buttons - unreal! So I will keep looking and may just have to do some embroidered buttons or just leave the block as is. It requires 3 small buttons and 3 large buttons, which are even more costly - and I just can't bring myself to pay $10 (after taxes) for buttons for one block.

Several of you have asked how the kitchen is coming. Nothing has been done for a couple of weeks now as we have been trying to get the water situation corrected with our well. That is DONE! So Saturday - demolition starts on this wall you see right here. On the other side of that wall is my dining room and we are going to put a door way right about where you see that calendar. Right now you either have to go through my laundry room or through the living room and the music room (soon to be toy room for the grand kids) to get to the dining room. Our house has kind of evolved over the years, and the dining room is actually a converted deck that was on the back side of our house. That apple border is a stencil that my two daughters and I did many years ago and then we sponge painted the blue section of the wall. Its kind of sad to see that go, as we sure had fun doing it. But this will give way to a fresh coat of paint - color is "Painted Turtle." Appropriate name for this renovation as it is sure going as slow as a turtle. Once again, my Be Attitudes are talking to me - BE PATIENT!
Yes I've noticed too how the prices of buttons have gone up lately! Maybe you can make new memories on your walls with your grandchildren.
How appropriate that you are working on "Be Patient". Any remodeling job is an inconvenience especially a slow one. It will be worth it in the end though!
I wish you could come to a store in my town that has tons of buttons real cheap. They buy close-out supplies and it is the greatest place to buy buttons. The only problem is digging through all the plastic boxes they have stacked up on each other to find what you want. I always go there for buttons! If you ever come this way let me know and I will show it to you!
I have the Bee Attitudes patterns but haven't started them yet. I love the way yours are turning out. Blessings, marlene
Ahh yes... patience ! I wish you much of it during the next step of your remodel. I'd agree about button inflation... crazy ain't it?
lol - have to giggle at the "Be Patient" block - that would be a good one to frame! I hope you have lots of good pictures of your wall - what a special memory.
Have you ever made button's out of polymer clay? It is really easy and a lot less expensive. I'll do a tutorial on it soon on my blog. Hope that it will help you. Thanks so much for visiting my blog so oftern it means a lot.Have a great day.
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