Here's an update of my French Braid quilt. I have completed the braids and the separator bands, and in the process of assembling the quilt top. Here is what a separator band looks like. I don't have them all on yet, but I am getting there. This will be going on our bed, and Fred has said he really likes it, so that is a good thing! Hopefully I will have a quilt top to show you sometime soon.
Be sure to check out May Britt's blog:
http://abyquilt.blogspot.com/ as she is having a give-a-way to celebrate two years of blogging. Congratulation May, your blog is terrific and I appreciate so much having you as a blog buddie!
Happy Stitching !
It is lovely. I have one braid started in bright colors, someday I might finish it. The row in between in a great idea.
Looking really good Teresa! Always helps when your significant other likes it too :o)
Thats lovely Teresa, I must do some sewing again...I tend to do more in the cold months.The colours are just right in your quilt
I love how these colors flow into each other, sooo pretty!
Ooooh, aren't those colors pretty!
That is lovely!
This is a wonderfull quilt, i love the colour`s you have chosen
Thankyou for sharing
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