Sunday, March 23, 2025

Meryton and other project progress

 Its been a good week, accomplishing many goals that I had set for this week.  Having my APIP list (Active Projects in Process) is really serving to keep me on track.

APIP#1 - Meryton; I do love working on this quilt and this week I was able to complete the applique prep work on the remaining three Star Flower border blocks. Here are all the pieces I got prepped.  The stars for Star Flowers are English Paper Pieced.

APIP #2; Bloom and Sew, Gail Pan 2025 BOM;  I had thought I might get to do some of the actual stitching today, but it has been a little crazy.  I did get all the prep work done for the Block 3 stitcheries and hopefully will get at two of the stitched this coming week. My prep work involves printing the patterns on Stick and Stich by Sulky, Cutting out the back ground blocks and adding the light weight fusible to the back of the background pieces, sticking on the patterns to the background, and then sewing on the embroidery extenders so the pieces will fit by embroidery hoop.  

I was excited to receive a new embroidery stand in the mail.  I let my daughter try out my older on and she found it so helpful to not have to hold on to the hoop that I let her take it home (she lives in NC) and I was just going to order another just like it for me.  But I found one I like better, and I am really enjoying using it.  I used it in finishing up my Christmas Ornaments (APIP#10)

APIP #4; Joseph's Coat of Many Colors; This afternoon I had the joy of gift this quilt to the young lady I made it for.  She was thrilled to receive it and we were both (as well as her Momma) teary eyed.

APIP#11 - Quilt Maker's Journey Quilt; This is  a new project that I have started. I am heading up a quilting presentation at a local library this coming weekend and I wanted a very simple block for someone to be making at the presentation.  Since it is a library, I decided to use something from the Quilt Maker's Journey children's story book.  This quilt is on the cover of the book, and in the book they call it Bright Hopes.  The presentation will talk about how quilts can be used to reach out to the community.  So I thought this a good choice.  I had to write my own pattern as for the block, but it is a simple block to make.  We will be making a baby size quilt and donating it to our guild's outreach program.

APIP#12; Wool Applique Table Topper;  This is not actually a new project.  I did the applique at a workshop in October 2014, but never got around to quilting it.  At the library demonstration I mentioned above, I will be doing a hand quilting demonstration, and I needed something to quilt.   So I started looking through my UFO's and found this little table runner - perfect for what I needed.  I got it basted together and did a little stitching just to make sure I remember how, haha.

APIP#10; Snowflake Christmas Ornament;  Yea - I finished these four ornaments!

So that is it for this past week.  Its been fun having different projects to work on.  Funny, I completed two project on my APIP list, and I added two more.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Snowflake wreath - Mary Corbet Pattern

 This week I have primarily worked on two projects, the Bloom and Sew (Gail Pan 2025 BOM) and some snowflake Christmas ornaments (Mary Corbet pattern).

APIP#2 - Bloom and Sew - I finished block 2 and now to move on to Block 3 which I received March 11. I love working on these blocks with all the hand embroidery and patchwork piecing.  Is kind of like putting together a jigsaw pattern.

This is Block #2

Block #1 and 2 sewn together

APIP #10 - Snowflake Wreath.  I am making four of these ornaments.  I have completed 1 and need to add the beading around the edge of the other three.  I do like beading!  The snowflake wreath is a design by Mary Corbet.  She does not use the beads and sequins on her creation, but I do love the bling.  Hope to have all four ornaments completed by the end of next week so I can start on another pattern.

APIP#1 - Meryton; I did do a little applique prep work on my Meryton quilt.  Working on the EPP star flowers.  Using the fabric line Songbird Serenade, and having fun fussy cutting all the little songbirds.
(Chickadees are my favorite.)

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Joseph's Coat of Many Colors - FINISHED

 APIP#4 - Joseph's Coat of Many Colors is FINISH as of this afternoon.  I got it back from the Quilter on Wednesday and by Friday I had the binding sewn on, hemmed and today I made the label.  I will give it to Kathryn after church on Sunday March 23.

Finished Quilt Top

APIP#1 - Meryton  -I completed the first of 4 border blocks.  This picture looks kind of wrinkled, but it really does lay flat.  Maybe my next block will look better.

That's it for this week.  I worked diligently on the Joseph's Coat quilt and that was about all I did.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Meryton Applique Prep

 Well my goodness, it is 11:32 Sunday night and I just remembered I had not posted my progress on my active projects. 

APIP#1; Meryton - This week I did some applique prep work and even got two little star flowers completed.  I need 16 of these, which translates to 96 EPP jewel pieces and 16 hexies.  These are all 1/2" paper pieces and quite small compared to what I usually do. The center hexie will be bird images from the Moda Songbird Serenade fabrics.   I just love these little birds and am featuring them in my quilt....the Chickadee is my favorite.

APIP#4: Joseph's Coat of Many Colors - This is what I spent most of my week working on.  I am trying to get it completed by March 27 to present to a sweet girl who loves vintage things on her 14th birthday. I completed the last row of the quilt, and now need to sew the last 2 rows to the quilt top.  One of my friends said she will quilt it for me on her long arm, which is a big relief. I am not much of a machine quilter, but do most of my quilts by hand quilting and did not see how I would be able to get this done in time, even doing big stitch quilting.  I have a little more to complete which hopefully I can get that done tomorrow, then she will quilt it and I can then put on the binding and label.  Was so happy to find someone to do the quilting for me.

I found, what looks to me as sage green, backing fabric.  I had my granddaughter ask her what her favorite color is, which she said sage green.  I found this fabric at my LQS and I felt it just had that vintage look to it.  It was not until I got it home and read the selvage that I saw it is in Moda's Collection for a Cause line and Benefiting Feeding America.   I like that!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

New Christmas Ornament - Snowflake Wreath

APIP #10 - Snowflake Ornament;  Today I started a new design by Mary Corbet for a Snowflake Ornament.  I have modified her pattern just a little to add beads and sequins.  I completed the stitching and beading/sequins today on the first ornament.  I plan to make 4.  I chose to use a "forest green" for the background thinking the snowflake would show up pretty on the tree,  Next step will be to place it on a circle to form the ornament.

APIP #4 - Joseph's Coat of Many Colors;  I have been mainly on this project this past week.  I completed the third row and appliqued on the center circles on all the completed rows.  Three down, two to go.  Going to give this quilt to a young lady for her 14th birthday March 27.  I have been told she has an "old soul" which refers to her loving things vintage.  Since this is an old pattern and I am doing it scrappy, thought it would look fairly vintage.  I hope to get it hand quilted in time for her birthday, so going to try really hard this week to complete the last two rows this week.  I did get the remining pieces for the triangles and circles cut this ready - set - GO!

APIP #2 - Bloom and Sew; Gail Pan 2025 BOM -  Completed all the stitchery for February. Made a mistake in trimming one of the blocks (the one with the bumblebee).  Cut it too short so I had the choice of remaking the entire block or adding a background strip to the top and bottom of the piece.  So I choice to add the strips, and had to restitch the poor bumblebee's antenna.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Mary Corbet's Wreath with Candle ornaments

 APIP#5 - Embroidered Wreath with Candle - This a pattern designed by Mary Corbet with a few modifications I made - primarily adding beads and sequins.  I do love the sparkle it gives them when hanging on the Christmas tree. Mary also used a white candle against her beautiful linen background.  I chose the red candle for mine. I made three of these - one for my tree, one to give to friends and family at Christmas and one to give to my guild for the Christmas Arts and Crafts festival. 

APIP#1 - Meryton; Finished up the fourth block of the Border block 1. Now I can begin prepping the applique pieces for Border Blocks 2

APIP#2 - Bloom and Sew - Gail Pan 2025 BOM;  Received the February block this past week and started working on the stitcheries.  There are 6 to do, and I finished 2 of them.  I have not trimmed them up yet and they still have the Stick and Stich on them, but the stitchery is complete.

APIP#4 Joseph's Coat of Many Colors;  Have completed Vertical row #1 and most of #2. Have all the blocks done for Row 2, but still need to do the connector triangles and sew the block to each other.  I finally decided on a circle for the block centers.  I thought I would go with a black and white polka dot, but change my mind again today to go with a Lori Holt fabric - white background with little 6-petal flowers of many colors.  I think the black and white polka dot looked better, but the quilt is for a young girl and I just did not want to put that much black on the quilt.

With this post, I am down to just three projects in progress and have completed 6 others this year.  The three I still have going will take awhile to complete.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Joseph's Coat of Many Colors

 APIP#4 and APIP#6 - Joseph's Coat of Many Colors;  I have been working primarily on these two projects this past week.  I will be teaching the block to my club this Wednesday and needed to really get comfortable with making the blocks.  I am enjoying doing these curved pieced blocks and hope my club will enjoy them as well.  I am making a quilt 60" x 68" and a much smaller table topper.

Blocks made for the quilt so far.  No melon fabric will be repeated in the quilt.  I was auditioning the fabric to be used for the center circle and have chose the black and white polka dot.

Table Topper I made for kitchen table.  Kitchen is grey with red accents.  I chose to use just greys, reds, yellows and teals.

APIP#1 - Merryton;   I did complete the third Block 1 blocks, one more to go.
Have to make four of these.  I have the applique shapes prepped and ready to applique.

APIP#8 - Spellbound Block;  I taught this block at retreat and finished mine at home this morning.

APIP #5 - Christmas Ornament - Candle Wreath;  I am making three of these and have the embroidery completed on two of them, started the third this afternoon.  It was so pretty outside, I took my sewing to the porch and enjoyed the beautiful weather.  I learned that I can not do my embroidery very well outside - too distracted.  had to rip out what I did this afternoon and start over when I went inside.  These are Mary Corbet designs and very detailed.