Wednesday, March 18, 2020

HQ-6 - Daddy's Bible

I completed my list from yesterday and have found some peace in adding purpose to my days.  I miss time with my family but pray for the safety of my family, church family, friends, nation and for our leadership battling this virus.

I did take a walk yesterday and this helped me  - first with exercise and secondly, just getting out of the house.  One neighbor stopped in the road and we chatted for a bit, but did not get too close to the car.  

My chore for today is to start sorting thru some boxes on my back porch.  We had to have some work done in our basement and my husband, with help, brought up a bunch of boxes of "stuff" that we need to go through.  We have been trying to clean out stuff we have accumulated over the years just so our kids someday do not have to deal with all this.  So there are around 15 large plastic containers on my back porch - today I would like to get thru at least half of that.  About half of that is stuff we put in our basement when we had to clean out my parents home when they passed.

Its been a good day..Got my chore done and in the process of going through all the boxes, I found my Daddy's Bible.  I can remember seeing him in the mornings, sitting in a rocker on the porch reading this Bible.  I cherish this Bible, and when packing up my parents home after their passing, I packed this away in one of the boxes and was so happy to find it today.

I took my walk, 1,797 steps, and on my way home, two of my precious granddaughters spotted me and ran out to say hi.  They are 4 yrs and 2 1/2yrs.  I knew I should not hug and kiss them and that is so hard.  They were in their fenced yard, so I just stood and talked to them for a little bit and then the 4 year old ran to me with this flower.  She loves to bring me flowers.  (tears now)  I asked her to lay it down on the ground and then I went and picked it up.  I so wanted to hug her.  Trying to comply with their parents wishes, but this sure is hard.

Hope you all have had a good day.

1 comment:

Love Of Quilts said...

That's going to be a lot of work. It is something I need to do to so my kids don't have it to do. That's a nice fine, your dads bible. I have only been in since Monday went to the store then back home. Stay Safe