Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Home Quarantine - Day 5

I feel like I am under house arrest, although I am so grateful to be at home safe with my loving husband.  I know there are many out there that are home alone.  I am going to do my best to try to do something nice for someone each day, whether a phone call, send a meal, just reach out however I can.

To occupy my days, I am going to set goals for hand quilting, other quilt related activity, and a chore that I have been putting off.  So here goes my list of chores for today:

  1. At least 2 hours hand quilting on the Pemberley
  2. At least 2 hours in my sewing area doing other activities
  3. Complete my 2019 tax return and file it
  4. Fix Spaghetti for supper and invite Jeanne, my sister-in-law who lives next door and is alone.
  5. Take a walk outside even in the rain (unless its a thunderstorm :) )
Now I feel like I have a purpose for the day.  I do hope this will make the days go quicker.  I started this home quarantine on Friday, March 13.- 4 days ago.  So this is Day 5.

This is my design wall this morning.  Working on a Lone Star Quilt, the stars surrounding the lone star are Rose STars and are EPP.  I completed the 5th diamond point yesterday on the lone star.  On the bench in my temperature quilt, and two other quilts waiting to be hand quilted.


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

You are being SEW smart! Stay safe~

اوائل الرياض said...
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