Monday, March 23, 2020

HQ - Day 10 - Sunday

Today I forgot to make a post, so this is being done at 1:26 am Monday morning.  I attended church in my living room watching the service on my church's facebook live stream. The pastor preached from the pulpit wearing a suit and Adam, my son-in-law and music director for our church, led the singing.  They must have also had a sound person there to operate the sound system and the live stream on the net.  That was all - no one else there in attendance, although I could see people signing in on-line to "attend".  We sang the hymns, prayed, read scripture and listened to Pastor Dave's sermon, and terribly missed being able to greet and hug each other. 

Watching the President's press conference today, which he does every day now, I could see the stress in the President, Vice President and basically all those at the conference.  I cant even begin to understand what their days must be like battling the horrible virus.  Our healthcare workers, first responders, National Guard, Corp of Engineers, and people throughout the Nation are all working so hard. 

Not a very "quilty" post, just my thoughts for the day. 


julieQ said...

I see their stress too. I know they must not be getting much sleep.

Love Of Quilts said...

Yes this is a sad time, all we can is pray. They do look so tired.

Julie Fukuda said...

Our service was live streamed too. Watching it on my laptop where i have internet connections is a downer because it is dark and cold, but having my kids in the states be able to attend was a bit nice. I miss singing with the choir in person and the regular gatherings.
Though I couldn't join the choir, they made the onigiri after the service that I took Monday morning to the homeless. I am teying to be patient.This will have to come to an and some day.