My guild is sponsoring a signature block swap and I have been busily trying to get all mine done. Making the blocks went pretty quick, its all the signing that is taking me awhile, but I get to play with my new light box and my be-jeweler, so its fun. Its kind of hard to tell in this picture, but there are two gemstones in the swirly thing around my name. Like my artistic flair? That's about as artsy as I get (laughing here).
Yesterday our quilt club, Stitchin' Friends, met and we started working on quilted bags. I hope to get mine finished soon so look for a picture in the next couple of days. This was a fun project and it was interesting to see the fabric selections everyone made.
Time to grab pen and ink and sign a few more autographs........
Your autograph block is very pretty with the swirls and gems.
I've not seen the be-jeweler thing before. It's very pretty with the gem stones set into the swirl thing.
Album patch quilts are fun to make and to own. How many will be swapping names? Great job on yours. Hugs, Finn
I love your autograph block. It is beautiful. I will look forward to seeing your next project. Thanks for sharing.
I like the swirls and gems!
This block is lovely - what a good idea! 6debbie^
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